February 19, 2009

That nutty professor

I think the most comments I've ever had from a post was this one about my professor, Dr. Blomberg. So, for Pam who said she wanted me to keep you updated, I'm writing about him again. Before I get started, though, let me just say that for anyone looking for the most comprehensive yet easy-to-read introduction to the Gospels I've ever seen (and I work in a seminary bookstore for a living), read his Jesus and the Gospels.

Dr. Blomberg is hilarious. I've always known that, but it becomes clearer when you spend three hours with him each Thursday. He makes some of the cheesiest jokes, but they're fantastic... and he knows they're cheesy too.
He's also (as they might say in Boston) wicked smart. (I had a long story all ready to go here to demonstrate how smart he is, but I'll just summarize and say that he knows scripture like the back of his hand, and can catch people who cite it with even very subtle changes that change a text's meaning.) He also knows the answer to just about any Bible question you could ask. Today he said, "I don't know" about something, and I audibly gasped. Then he went on to give an explanation that demonstrated that he actually did know, he just apparently didn't know well enough for his own standards. The question was about Matthew 27 where some random saints and people are resurrected at Jesus' death and walk around and reveal themselves to some people (it's kind of an odd passage).
Anyway, I like him. He's funny and engaging in class, and he's an all-around good guy who not only knows more than everyone else, but also seems to walk the walk more than many too.

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