Every student at Denver Seminary is required to take a class on the Epistles and Revelation, and every student at Denver Seminary while taking that class must write what's called an Inductive Bible Study. It focuses on a Bible passage (usually 8-12ish verses) and it consists of the following components: Literary context of the passage, Historical-cultural background, Word studies, Grammar studies, Major interpretive problems, Analytical Outline, Interpretive Summary, and Application. Many students dread the "IBS" not because of it's length (15ish pages), but because of the depth and intensity of the work required.
I wrote on 1 Peter 5:1-11. The following is the scoresheet that my professor, Dr. Klein, used to grade my paper. I hope it's big enough for you to read, because I'm trying to brag about how well I did, and if you can't see what scores I received it won't do any good at all (I think if you click on it it'll get bigger).

ReplyDeleteI may just be dorky enough to want to read this.
ReplyDeleteI have a policy against sending my papers to uncertain people, Krista. Either you do, or you don't.