January 20, 2009

Inauguration stuff

I watched a lot of inauguration coverage today, and I enjoyed most of it. I mean, it's not a terribly entertaining event, but I certainly found it interesting. I watched CNN's coverage, and they interspersed a lot of historical facts into their broadcast, which might have been why I enjoyed it. I found out that Obama is the third president from Illinois, after Lincoln and Grant (I think I already knew that... but I'd forgotten that Grant was originally from Illinois). I also learned that Reagan was the first president to be inaugurated on the West-facing side of the capitol building. Before him, inauguration ceremonies were on the East side (which apparently overlooks a parking lot... I think it was a good change).

There's an issue that Elizabeth and I have been talking about for awhile. Barack Obama is HALF African-American. I know that some people who have one white and one black parent have a physical appearance that is more white than it is black. If that was the case with Obama, would there be nearly the deal made about his ethnicity? I mean, I'm not trying to criticize anyone, but seriously. If Obama LOOKED white instead of black, would the African-American community and the world in general be talking so much about the realization of Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream? It's just weird to me. And I'm curious. Do you have any thoughts?

P.S. I didn't vote for Obama, and I think I had legitimate reasons why that's true. Still, I don't think that he deserves to be talked about like he's an evil demon who can't wait to invite terrorists to attack our country and to perform abortions in the Oval Office. There are certain conservatives -- committed Christians even -- whom I have read and heard who treat President Obama very negatively. I read one person in particular who is a respected scholar, teacher, and preacher, who wrote about how Christians should avoid the media on this day in order to avoid seeing celebration over Obama's installation into the presidency. I don't know. I'm not crazy about the guy, but I don't think he's the devil. A second request for thoughts?


  1. i actually wince every time i hear someone refer to him as african-american. he's polynesian (hawaiian) and african. of course, it really lies in how he identifies himself...and i'm cool with whatever he prefers.

    but that is an interesting question...if he looked more white, would that change the way this whole thing has been treated?

  2. Hey Jake, I was pretty amazed watching the news today. Every part of it had to do with the inauguration. Obviously there was the national news, but the local news showed an elementary school in Des Moines that structured their entire day around it. The video was of kids chanting "Obama! Obama!" In world news, people in Kenya (Where President Obama's dad is from) were celebrating as though he had been elected as their president.
    Another interesting thing was that the news networks all brought out obscure reporters to cover the inauguration simply because they're african americans. Denzel Washington, Aretha Franklin, Beyonce... I thought this meant we were over the race issue... Also, Mark Driscoll's blog was pretty good about Rick Warren. The end.
