May 5, 2008


Holy smokes!  How could I have forgotten?

Elizabeth and I had our very first eviction today!  It wasn't a particularly fun experience, but it's kind of nice to know what one's like.  This tenant in our building hasn't been paying rent, and he and his drug-doing friends have been gone for awhile... but the eviction process takes awhile. They took a good chunk of their stuff with them, but they left a bunch too.  So what happens is the sheriff shows up and knocks on the door and then lets you unlock the door and enter. Then he basically checks everything out and makes sure nobody's around while Elizabeth and I and a couple of guys from the company we work for started hauling stuff out and putting it on the lawn. People in the neighborhood have been by, picking through the furniture and stuff all night long. We're supposed to wait a "reasonable amount of time" before we throw all the stuff in the dumpster (I guess the idea is that the tenant can still come back and claim his stuff... which won't happen).  We asked what a "reasonable amount of time" is, and the sheriff said it can be anything from as soon as he's gone until three days from now.  So, it looks like Elizabeth and I will be stuck throwing a bunch of this guy's crap in the dumpster in a couple of days.  You wouldn't believe how some people choose to live.  We found at least three crack pipes (mom, don't freak out -- I only know what it was because I asked the sheriff).  Man oh man. Let me know if you want to know more about evictions.  They're interesting.


  1. What I would like to know is if the crack pipes were up for grabs like everything else.

  2. The sheriff confiscated them. He wasn't crazy about the idea of putting crack pipes out on the street for anyone to take.
