March 18, 2008


This is my first attempt at a blog. Let's forget that I'm coming a bit late to the party and embrace the idea that I showed up at all.

Let's start by laying some ground rules. Do not be surprised to find references both subtle and obvious to the world's all-time greatest television show, The West Wing throughout your perusal of my blog. I am a huge fan -- not because I love television, and not even just because it's a good show. I'm a fan because it's an amazingly engaging piece of work. It stimulates thought at all kinds of levels. After being introduced to the show by a college roommate, I have had the privilege of converting a host of others. They include my brother and his wife (and I'm pretty sure her whole family), one of my best buddies from college and his new roommate, and my wife. My wife and I are currently about a third of the way through the sixth season (there are seven) and we're beginning to wonder what we will do when we finish the series. Probably start right back over!

I'm not entirely sure what blogs are supposed to be used for. If I can figure out how to post photos and videos, I'll likely do that on occasion. Otherwise, I will probably just use this as an outlet to muse a little bit over stuff that I'm learning at seminary and in life. Happy reading.

Break's over.

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