Watch this video, and then explain to me why you're pro-choice. Then watch an ultrasound during an abortion and explain to me why you're still pro-choice. After watching a baby in the womb try to escape from the instrument of its death, this former Planned Parenthood clinic director quit her job and began speaking out against abortion. Perhaps you, Mr. President, ought to do the same.
Dude, it's not worth even trying to talk to our prez. He is the smartest man in the world and he knows better than you. He would never lower himself to actually listen to the likes of you. You haven't gotten that yet? In the words of my two year old son, "Holy 'mokes!"
Dude, it's not worth even trying to talk to our prez. He is the smartest man in the world and he knows better than you. He would never lower himself to actually listen to the likes of you. You haven't gotten that yet? In the words of my two year old son, "Holy 'mokes!"