Dear Whitey's,
I don't know how you do it, but your ice cream is simply better than any other brand I've ever tasted. For the first twenty-two years of my life I lived in close proximity to a few of your locations and I was able to get it whenever I wanted. Sadly, over time I began to take it for granted. For the last three years I've lived in areas completely devoid of the sweet, tasty, creamy goodness that only you can provide. Not only am I unable to partake, but none of the people who live in my city even know what Whitey's ice cream is! This fact has been terribly difficult to cope with.
On a recent vacation to eastern Iowa I made it clear to my travel partners that one of the things I just HAD to do while I was in town was stop by a Whitey's location for a double-scoop cone of the world's greatest sweet treat (since I'm sure you're wondering, Moose Tracks is the flavor I simply can't live without). My cone was every bit as delicious as I remembered, which only served to deepen the sadness I felt that I cannot get it at home. Please consider the deprived tastebuds of millions of Americans and expand your service to all areas of the country. If you've been looking to expand and you just can't find the right place, let me suggest Denver, Colorado as a great place to start. The people are friendly, and good ice cream is hard to come by.
With all sincerity and hope,
Jake Rohde
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