November 30, 2008

It's the obligatory post-Thanksgiving post

Thanksgiving was... different for me this year. Neither Elizabeth nor I were around any family. We were invited to my mentor's house where we met a few new people and had a scrumptious late lunch, followed by some pie and a chunk of the Cowboys game.

Other than that, we spent most of the morning doing laundry. Most of the week was getting things taken care of (the car needed to be fixed, we needed groceries, had to clean our apartment buildings, had to make a Sam's run -- planned on Saturday in order to take advantage of maximum free samples, etc.) and the rest was spent doing HOMEWORK (bummer).

Our next two weeks will be rough to say the least. This is the last week of classes (when papers and projects are due) and next week is finals (probably my toughest round of finals yet). If we emerge from December 11 in one piece, it's smooth sailing... except not really, because the next week we have to pack up everything we own and prepare to move. But then it's smooth sailing... except not really, because then we have to unpack, and I have to get a job or we won't be able to afford the rent, but it'd be nice if the job was one that let me go to California over New Year's so I can see my family and celebrate Christmas. But then it's smooth sailing... except...

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you didn't have family around - I had it in my head that you were moving and Liz's family was coming up for the weekend. I definitely SHOULD have spend the holiday doing homework. I checked out about 25 books today, and they always look at me wierd when I do that.
