October 18, 2008

My dear wife

I have a pretty special wife. I love hanging out with her. Last night we went out with a plan to stop at three different places. They included: Wal-Mart (for a few groceries), Sam's Club (to take advantage of their $10 for 10 weeks membership -- it's a trial run for us to see if we'd benefit from a year membership), and Kohl's (to look for and pick up some much needed clothing items and shoes for Elizabeth). Instead we stopped at 5 different places and tried to stop at a 6th but it was closed. The two we added was Whole Foods (a huge-mongous grocery store that we'd never been in before) and a different Wal-Mart (because we remembered a couple of things that we'd forgotten at the first Wal-Mart). The 6th stop that we attempted was Savers (a second-hand store -- we're looking for a couch that's not broken).

Through it all Elizabeth was an absolute delight, which may not sound especially amazing to you, but she has been dealing with some weird sickness for a few weeks now and yesterday she started a special diet that actually makes you feel worse before it makes you feel better. She's quite a trooper, and I'm glad she's the one I get to spend most of my time with.

Last night after we got home, we found out that the mother of one of Elizabeth's mentors had passed away. It was one of those things that was pretty heartbreaking because we knew the woman from church and Sunday school classes. She was an extremely pleasant woman with a lovely southern accent. It's obviously a bummer of a situation, but it made me fall in love with my wife even more, because in situations like these her huge heart for other people just pours out of her. She hates it any time one of God's creatures suffers, and she can't hide her care for them. I love her so much.

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