November 21, 2011

My Shower Routine

This is about as accurate a comic as I've ever seen.


  1. Must be a family trait then. Joel spends 26% of his waking hours in the shower. I'm hardly exaggerating. There needs to be a square for "playing games on the iPad" and one for "reading Sports Illustrated" too. I wish I was joking.

  2. Elizabeth always asks me how I can take so long in the shower (considering I don't have any hair, and only need to lather up with body wash, as opposed to the body wash/shampoo/conditioner/face wash that she uses). Hopefully she'll have a greater understanding after she sees this. I literally DO ponder life's mysteries oftentimes in the shower, though for me there would be some overlap with panels 1 & 2 (that is, I usually do my pondering during the "stand in stream of hot water" segment).

    P.S. How does he use the iPad in the shower?

  3. Oh my goodness. I seriously think someone put a camera in the shower with you and then wrote a comic about it. That is SO you. Obnoxiously you.
