May 23, 2010


A few things I'm excited about:

The LOST finale is tonight. Probably the most confusing and complex script of any show I've ever seen.

I'm getting a new phone. Should be arriving via FedEx sometime tomorrow. There's nothing really special about it. It's just a change from the phone I've had for a couple of years.

I'm about to begin a season of assistant coaching for a baseball team of 15-16 year olds. Our first practice is tomorrow night. Games start in a couple of weeks. My team is the Tigers (our head coach grew up in Michigan where he cheered for and attended a bunch of Detroit Tigers games, so he made sure that's the team we were given). If you want to watch our games on MLB Gameday... you probably can't. But I'll likely post updates right here about how things are going!

Starting this Thursday Elizabeth and I will finally have an internet connection in our apartment. This means that we don't have to walk across the street to the leasing office to check our e-mail, or plan afternoons where we go to church (which has wireless internet) for 3-4 hours to take care of all of our online business. Unfortunately for you (perhaps), it also probably means at least a slight increase in how often I blog.

1 comment:

  1. I am actually pretty excited about most of those things too. I'm kind of excited to be introduced and ended to Lost tonight. (Yep, this means I will watch it with you.) I'm excited about your new phone too because that means I get your old phone for my contract job and that means a free phone for me. I'm super excited that you're going to be coaching baseball cuz that's just cool and I'll get to watch a lot of games. I won't even look like a creeper person going after 15 year old boys because I'll be married to the coach. Finally, I'm MOST excited about the last one so that I can actually write blog posts instead of just commenting on other's blogs. And also I can keep track of our finances. And other things too, but it'll be nice.

    The end.
