To my mom:
You are the greatest mother for which I could ever hope
You always taught me right from wrong and to stay away from dope
Sometimes you spanked when I was bad and I didn't like that belt
You know, the one you hit me with that sometimes left a welt
But even though it caused me pain I know your love was true
Cuz every time you did it you'd say, "This hurts me more than you."
But that's enough about the whippings because they were pretty rare
(After all JOEL was the troubled one -- sometimes you even pulled his hair!)
Thank you for always coming to all of the sporting events I had
You came and cheered regardless if I played good or bad
You kept score at my baseball games and bought me food in-between
You sewed up holes in all my clothes and washed grass stains from my jeans
You brought snacks in elementary school, and came whenever there was a field trip
All the kids thought you were cool, so by association I was hip
You made sure that I always went to church on Sunday morning
We both liked when Pastor Dan was preaching, cuz he was never boring
And now you're a mother to lots more boys, and a girl thrown in to boot
I wonder if you do it just because they're all real cute
I wish that you and I lived closer to one another
It's very hard for me to be so far from my mother
I miss you very much, and I love you lots and lots too
Sometimes I think about you when I'm feeling kinda blue
I hope you have a very very happy Mother's Day
And when it's done I hope you don't up and run away!
Love you mom!
Thank you sooooo much. I love you and I am so proud of you. I too wish we lived closer. I miss you tons. Love mom