May 30, 2009

Elizabeth's weird... and tales of the Malibu

My wife at the store today: "Don't you just, I mean, I really, do you, I just LOVE Tupperware! Whenever I see it I think, 'What could I put in that?'"

Today Elizabeth and I spent a couple of hours working on Jase's car. Don't worry, Jase, it wasn't having operational problems. We just figured that since we're going to be using it for a couple of months it'd be nice if it were a little cleaner than you're used to keeping it.

So anyway, a big huge shoutout THANK YOU to my brother Jase who's graciously allowing us to introduce his car to some Colorado roads for a few months while he's in another country. And another huge THANK YOU to Elizabeth who did some fantastic work getting the inside of the Malibu looking pretty stinking good so I can feel more comfortable in it!