As my friend, Ryan Kearns, points out, all of this outrage is coming from leftists under the guise of tolerance and inclusion. Apparently, tolerance and inclusion only apply if you are in complete agreement with the Democratic party. Again, I cite Ryan's post; "We have not begun to practice true tolerance till we fundamentally disagree with another." If liberals only want tolerance to extend to people who agree with them, then it shouldn't be called tolerance, it should be called agreement.
I also wonder what we'd be hearing if Warren had declined Obama's invitation (as some conservatives I read have suggested) based on Warren's opposition to issues Obama supports (abortion rights, gay marriage, etc.). I have a feeling the outrage would be at Warren's inconsiderate nature and intolerance. I'm sorry, I'm a fairly politically moderate guy, but liberals just piss me off so much I can't always leave it alone. Your thoughts?
I'm interested in the fact that Obama picked Warren in the first place. It's as if he's trying to prove that he's moderate, but I don't buy it. His choice doesn't make me like him one bit more. He's the most liberal president I am sure we will ever have.