All the seeking and frustration paid off, though. Marley and Me was fantastic. Owen Wilson gave a heartwarming, charming, and funny performance. Marley himself was one of the prettiest and most likable dogs I've ever seen in a movie. It wasn't a movie just about a dog either. It was about marriage and family and hardship and the pressures of life and work too. The movie is based on a book, and now I want to read it. I would recommend this movie to all of you who read this blog. Mom and dad, it'd be great for the kids too (I think). It's rated PG because they make a few comments regarding Marley's "fixing," and because Jennifer Anniston takes off her clothes and jumps into the pool at one point (they don't show anything except her bare back for a moment).
Anywho, I heard that the critics weren't fans of this movie, but Elizabeth and I were (she's blogging about it right now too, I think)... so if you trust our opinions over old men who sit in theaters for a living, go see it!
Fun! Joel and I haven't been to a movie together in over 2 years. We really want to see Valkyrie. Marley and Me is one we will definitely get on free redbox Monday when it's out on DVD too. I don't think I'd make that great of a film critic, because I disagree with them fairly often.