The folks at are giving away an Uncle John's Bathroom Reader book every day in June on their blog. You simply have to comment on their blog with an answer to the day's question, and you're entered to win.
Today's question was, "You are in charge of filling a time capsule to be opened 500 years from now. What items (up to 10) would you put in it to tell the future about the world in 2012?"
Here's what I wrote:
More than items, I think people would be able to better communicate life in 2012 to people alive in 2512. Therefore, I would make the time capsule a cryogenic freezer and include:
1. Justin Bieber
2. Ken Jennings (they need someone really smart to balance out most of the rest of this list)
3. Bill Maher (because at least that’d get him out of OUR lives; he can try to screw up a different generation)
4. Brian Regan (so they could get a glimpse of good humor from the past)
5. LeBron James
6. Albert Pujols
7. Tom Brady (these three would give an idea of what our athletes are like)
8. Bill Gates (in case there’s been a global apocalypse and someone needs to reinvent the computer)
9. Aaron Sorkin (someone’s going to have to write good television)
10. Perez Hilton (mostly for the same reason as #3, but also to find out if he could make a living in a world without Beyonce and Johnny Depp)
How about you? Any other items or people you'd put in a time capsule?
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