January 3, 2012

How, then, shall we raise kids?

It seems that everyone these days knows exactly how to raise kids... even if they don't have any kids of their own. I'm not talking as much about more specific things (should you spank your children? should you allow your kids to drink pop?), but more about bigger-picture things.

Secularists think that raising kids religiously is akin to child abuse. They call it "brainwashing" to teach your children that going to church and obeying God are important things. Abortion supporters believe that an unborn child's life should be ended if they are found to have (or even have a chance of having) mental or physical disabilities. Many would also support the abortion of an unborn child who is likely to be born into a family with few economic resources, and who might be raised in an impoverished home.

So why aren't there outcries against more things that could lead to discomfort in life? Cubs fans are allowed to teach their children to root for the Cubs without objection, even though the last 104 years has shown us that such children are likely in for a lifetime of sports-related hardship. Or what about Raiders fans? At a Raiders preseason game last August, two people were shot! Isn't it dangerous to raise your child to be such a monster? Aspiring artists and actors and musicians tend to not make very much money (a very small percentage succeed in hitting "the big time"). Should we forbid parents from allowing their children to sing in choirs, or major in art in college?

Just curious.

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