I'm feeling kinda cruddy. It's like my whole head is full of gunk. It's not a big deal. Just makes me uncomfortable.
I'm also somewhat nervous. I haven't taken a New Testament Greek class since the fall semester of 2008. That's more than a year of no intensive Greek study. This semester (which begins on Monday) I'm taking 4th-semester Greek, which at Denver Seminary is called "Greek Exegesis of James." Classes are spent translating orally through the book of James, and reflecting your knowledge of the language, theology of the passage, and proper interpretive and exegetical techniques. Also, each student is assigned a passage on which they must write a 45ish page paper. The paper includes in-depth exegesis and analysis of your passage (word studies, interpretive issues, historical-cultural background, literary context, etc.). After you've written your paper you have to sit before the class (along with the other 1 or 2 people who had the same passage) and answer questions from the students and the professor about the issues in your passage.
It's all very intense, and since I'm coming off a Greek hiatus of sorts, I'm pretty nervous about it.
Ah! Just hearing you describe that class makes my palms sweat a little. But think of how fantastic your Greek will be afterwards!