What does bother me is that the designated hitter won the MVP award for the series (Hideki Matsui). Now, there's no doubt that Matsui's hitting was fantastic in the series, and I like the guy just fine. But I am, first of all, opposed to the very idea of the designated hitter, and because of that I don't like that the DH got the highest honor from the series.
If you want to argue with me, I'll totally hear you out. I just think baseball is one of those sports (like basketball) where the players who are in the game ought to play both offense and defense. I hate the idea that American League pitchers don't ever have to bat. That's HALF of the sport. And the DH doesn't ever have to field. That's the other half. Anyway... just wanted to share.
Baseball needs more drama than what the Yankees can offer anymore. Thanks to the Yankees we have seen baseball go from being America's past time to being a big business competitor with the NFL striving for every penny of every dollar that they can squeek out of fans. What happened to the old days where you could take your boy to a ball game, get a hotdog, and wait by the locker room to get a baseball signed? I pin a lot of blame to the way Steinbrenner handles his team. Read Joe Torre's book and you'll feel the same way. You'll never want the Yankees to win another game.