September 21, 2009

I Don't Like Mondays

The link to Justin Taylor's blog under "Blogs I Read" to the left has changed because his blog is now being hosted at the Gospel Coalition. I'm sure none of you care, but if you read and/or subscribe to Justin's blog (it's fantastic, by the way) then I wanted to make sure you're aware of the switch.

Mondays are kind of tough. I have class from 8-11. During my 15-minute break in the middle of class I go to the "bread shed" on campus where day-old breads and other grocery items are delivered so that seminary students can benefit. I have to put in 2 hours of work at church in order to get the facility set up for a huge Monday night Bible study that uses just about every square inch of the building. Today I was scheduled to work at the bookstore from 1-5:15. When I got off I had about an hour to eat supper, change clothes, speak with my wife for a few minutes for the first time all day, and then get to my other class which meets from 6:30-9:15 pm. One of my favorite things to do on Mondays is read Peter King's "Monday Morning Quarterback" column at It's 10:52 p.m. as I write this, and I'm about a third of the way through the column, which I've had pulled up on my computer all day.

It's been a long day.

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