July 27, 2009

The right NOT to be offended?

Sorry if you're offended by multiple short posts within a few minutes of each other, but I just read a very interesting article by Al Mohler on the culture of offendedness. You ought to check it out and then comment here with your thoughts. I like conversation.

1 comment:

  1. I'm offended that you linked to the article twice in one sentence. I kept hitting back and then clicking on a different link, but it kept sending me to the same place. Wasted like, 15 seconds of my life. Thanks a lot, jerk.

    wv: mantso-- a deragatory term for someone who puts multiple links to the same place, just to trick you.
    "Jake has a tendency to act like a huge mantso which probably offended at least 37% of his readers in that last post."
