April 30, 2009

International Conference on Historic Premillennialism

The sessions from Denver Seminary's International Conference on Historic Premillennialism are now available to stream or download. All of the presentations are worth a listen, but I would especially recommend listening to Dr. Blomberg's three talks in which he presents the case for Historic Premillennialism against its three main competitors within evangelicalism: Postmillennialism, Amillennialism, and Dispensational Premillennialism. If none of those words make sense to you, make sure you start with Blomberg's first talk because you'll get a brief introduction to what in the world this stuff is even about. After each session the presenter took questions from the audience, and that was interesting too (I'm assuming they are included in the recordings, but I haven't checked to make sure yet).

There are seven sessions in all:

Plenary Speech 1: Dr. Craig Blomberg
"Why We Don't Have to Wait for the Great Commission to be Fulfilled Before Christ Returns: The Problems with Postmillennialism"

Session 1: Dr. Sung Wook Chung
"Who are the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11: An Integration of Western and Asian Proposals"

Session 2: Dr. Bruce Demarest
"What Did the Early Church Believe About the Tribulation?"

Session 3: Dr. Rick Hess
"The Seventy Sevens of Daniel 9: A Time Table for the Future?"

Session 4: Dr. Andrew Dearman
"Transformations of Jerusalem in the Bible"

Plenary Speech 2: Dr. Craig Blomberg
"The Need for a Millennium Beyond This Present Age: The Anticlimax of Amillennialism"

Plenary Speech 3: Gary Hoag (Delivered for an ailing Dr. Craig Blomberg)
"Inappropriately Privileging Israel: Why Historic Premillennialism Trumps Dispensationalism"

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