Elizabeth and I are coupon-clippers and ad-watchers, so each week when we get the grocery store ads we search them for good prices on things we regularly buy. Now, as a refresher course, Elizabeth and I shop mostly at Wal-Mart because their "normal" prices on almost everything are better than the other two big Colorado grocery chains (King Soopers and Safeway), AND because they tend to shop around too and match or beat the prices of "sale" items at KS and Safeway. Still, with KS and Safeway both very close to where we live, and Super Wal-Mart further away, we do occasionally take advantage of their sales.
While shopping at Safeway tonight for a few sale items we happened down the ice cream aisle, where we noticed brightly colored sale tags screaming, "BUY ONE GET ONE FREE!!!" And this is why Safeway pisses me off: They insult my intelligence. They think that I won't notice that the ice cream (which I could get for $2.50 at Wal-Mart) is $6.49!!!! and that I'll just see the sale and think, "Oh wow! That must be a good deal. Two for the price of one!" And KS does the same thing. And this is just one example of a million I could give.
So, to the price- and sale-deciders at Safeway and King Soopers, I just want to let you know that I passed 2nd-grade math with flying colors, and treating me like a moron is not the best way to keep me as a customer.
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