First, let me tell you about the awesome (though budget-crunching) deal we got from the Apple Store last week. We'd been planning to buy Elizabeth a MacBook computer for awhile, we just hadn't found the right one, or the right time. Then we found out that if you buy a new MacBook with your student discount (which saves you $100) then you can get up to a $299 rebate for a new iPod... which happens to be exactly what an iPod Touch costs. So we have one of those now. Along with Elizabeth's new computer. AND, with the purchase of a new MacBook, you can get up to a $100 rebate on a printer too. So now we have a new computer, a new iPod Touch (which is really fun, by the way), and a new printer/scanner/copier/fax machine. All for the price of less than a new MacBook ('cuz of the student discount). That's $400 in total savings. Not too shabby.
Next, let me say a few words about the new Batman movie, "The Dark Knight." It was good. That's all I'm gonna say, because it seems everyone and their brother (including my brother, in fact) has recently blogged about it. Greg Boyd and Ben Witherington (two prominent Bible scholars) have both written very good posts about it. They both tie in some awesome niftiness (it's a word) about the theology and philosophy of the movie too. I'll just say that I agree with everyone's assessment about Heath Ledger's phenomenal performance as the world's greatest villain, the Joker.
My two-week intensive theology class ended last Friday, which is kinda nice. It was a great class, giving me some much-anticipated knowledge about theological stuff I've always felt like I should know (like what the real differences between Calvinists and Arminians are, and what big words like supralapsarianism mean). I still have a little after-the-fact work to do for the class, but the really tough stuff is finished.
Last week's Sports Illustrated had some awesome triva-type information about the U.S. athletes preparing to participate in the Beijing Olympics. Last week's Time magazine had some similar entries, but they were under the heading "100 Olympians you should know about" or some other similar-sounding title. The Time section didn't focus solely on U.S. athletes, but on many of the notables from around the world. I'm really excited for the olympics. They're fun.
Ok, I know there was a lot more to write, but I'm gonna end it right there because I can't remember anything else. If and when I do, you'll hear about it.
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